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voicemail TVM50

Technical Information


The following are detailed guidelines for the Voice Processing System.

From own Phone
¢ Enter the access code given to you by your Installer - If you have not chosen a password, you are now through to your voice mail.
¢ If you have programmed a password, the system will now ask you to enter your password, followed by #


The greeting is what the caller hears when put through to your voice mail. In order to personalise the Voice Mail System, you should record an announcement for incoming callers. This is done as follows: -

¢ Log on to the system - when answered
¢ Enter 3, for Mailbox Management
¢ Enter 1, to change personal greeting
¢ Enter 1, to change no answer greeting
¢ You will be informed if there is no greeting recorded. You will then be given the option to record your personal greeting at the tone - to end recording, press 1
¢ If you have a greeting recorded, the system will now play your current greeting
¢ To review press 1, to accept, press 2, to erase and try again press 3
¢ Record your greeting at the tone and when you are finished, press 1
¢ You are then informed of the greeting
¢ To review press 1, to accept press 2 or to erase and try again press 3, to add to greeting press 4. To erase and exit press *

¢ You can change your greeting at any time you wish
Prepared by Conversation Piece


Your personal greeting is played to anyone calling or being transferred to your mailbox. Encourage caller to leave to leave detailed message for example: -

Greeting type A

This type of greeting is suitable if you are in the office, but unavailable to take a call

Say your name - e.g. Jane Doe's voice mail. I'm not available to take your call. Please leave your name, number and a detailed message after the tone and I will return your call as soon as possible. Or, if you would like to speak to someone else in the organisation please dial "0" for our switchboard. Thank you.

Greeting type B

If you are away from the office on holidays or business, it would be recommended that you inform your callers of your absence.

"Say your name - e.g. Jane Doe's Voice Mail. Today is Tuesday the 19th of August. I will not be in the office today, but I will be checking my voice mail regularly throughout the day. Please leave your name, phone number and a detailed message after the tone and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you."


If you wish to have confidentiality on the messages left on your mailbox, it would be recommended that you change your password

¢ Log on to the system - when answered
¢ Press 3, for Mailbox Management
¢ Press 2, to change password - the system will now tell you if there is no password assigned. If you have password the system will now play you the current password
¢ To skip setting the password, press #
¢ To change, press 1, to accept press 2.
¢ You will be asked to enter your new password (followed by #)
¢ The system will now play your new password
¢ Press 2, to accept.

Prepared By Conversation Piece


If you have recorded your owner's name, when a colleague is sending you a voice mail message, they will hear your voice saying your name and extension number before recording a message. Also, when listening to your messages, you will hear the caller's voice announcing whom the message is from, before you listen to the message.

¢ Log on to the system - when answered
¢ Press 3, for Mailbox Management
¢ Press 3, to change owner's name

a) You will be informed if there is no owner's name recorded. You will then be asked to record owner's name at the tone. Say your name and extension number. When finished recording, the system will now play back your owner's name recording.
¢ To change press 1, to accept press 2, or to erase the name press 3

b) If you have recorded owner's name, the system will now play owner's name
¢ Press 1, to change the name
¢ At the tone say your name and extension number
¢ The owner's press 1, to accept press 2, or to erase the name press 3


If you wish to send a message to a colleague or more than one colleague, follow the procedure below

¢ Log on - when answered
¢ To deliver a message press 2
¢ Enter required mailbox number to receive message
¢ To change mailbox number selected, press 1 , to accept press 2
¢ To record message press1, or to add more mailboxes to receive message
press 2
¢ After the tone record your message - to end recording press 1
¢ Press 1, to review
¢ Press 2, to accept
¢ Press 2, to send message
¢ Press 3, to erase and try again
¢ Press 4, to add to message
¢ Press *, to erase and exit.

Prepared by Conversation Piece

If there are messages waiting in your mailbox, the "message" light will be lit red on your phone. If you do not have a message button on your phone, you will hear an interrupted tone on your phone when you lift the handset, alerting you that a message is on your voice mail.

¢ Log on. You will be informed of the number of messages waiting
¢ Press 1, to receive message/s. The newest message will always be played first and you will be given the following options: -

Press 1 to repeat this message
Press 2 to play the next message
Press 3 to erase this message
Press 4 to reply to this message
Press 5 to rewind this message
Press 6 to fast-forward this message
Press 7 to transfer this message
Press 0 for help
Enter 8 for message scan
It is not necessary to wait for voice prompts when you are familiar with the codes

7 QUICK RETRIEVAL OF NEW MESSAGES - only if message lamp is lit red

¢ Lift hand set or press SP - phone
¢ Press message key
¢ If you have a password, enter it now, followed by #


When you have read a message and you wish to forward the message to another mailbox: -
¢ Immediately after listening to the message press 7
¢ Enter destination mailbox number
¢ To change press 1, to accept press 2
¢ Press 1 to transfer message without comment or press 2 to transfer message with comment
¢ Speak your comment at the tone and press 1, to end recording
¢ Press 1 to review your comment
¢ Press 2, if the comment is acceptable
¢ Press 3 to erase and try again
¢ To transfer message press 1
¢ To add a new mailbox to receive this message press 3

Prepared by Conversation Piece


If you will be away from your desk for a period of time or if you have a meeting in your office, you may forward your phone to Voice Mail. Your phone will not ring when this option is chosen.

To forward

¢ Lift hand set or press MONITOR/SP - phone
¢ Press FWD/DND key or enter *710
¢ Enter 2
¢ Enter voice mail access code followed by #
¢ Replace receiver or press MONITOR/SP - phone

To cancel

¢ Lift handset or press MONITOR/SP - phone
¢ Press FWD/DND key or enter *710
¢ Enter 0
¢ Replace receiver or press MONITOR/SP - phone

10 FORWARDING TO VOICE MAIL - Busy/no answer

Caller will be answered by your voice mail when your phone is busy or is not answered after a designated number of rings

To forward

¢ Lift hand set or press MONITOR/SP - phone
¢ Press FWD/DND or enter *710
¢ Enter 5
¢ Enter voice mail access code followed by #
¢ Replace receiver or press MONITOR/SP - phone

To cancel

¢ Lift handset or press MONITOR/SP - phone
¢ Press FWD/DND key or enter *710
¢ Enter 0
Replace receiver or press MONITOR/SP - phone

Prepared by Conversation Piece

11 To transfer a caller direct to a colleague's mailbox

You may transfer a caller direct to a colleague's mailbox, if your colleague's phone is not forwarded to voice mail

¢ Caller on the line
¢ Press TRANSFER button
¢ Enter extension number to receive message
¢ When voice mail answers, replace receiver - caller can now leave message

12 To transfer a caller direct to a colleague's mailbox - colleague's phone not forwarded to Voice Mail

You may transfer a caller direct to a colleague's mailbox, if your colleague's phone is not forwarded to voice mail

To Programme quick transfer

¢ Press PROGRAMME key
¢ Press spare line key to be to be programmed
¢ Enter 94
¢ Enter Voicemail Access Code press AUTO DIAL STORE key
¢ Mark key VTR = Voice Transfer

To transfer a caller direct to colleague's Voice Mail:

¢ Caller on the line
¢ Press programmed VTR button - caller is not on hold
¢ Enter extension number to receive message
¢ When voice mail answers, Replace receiver

Prepared by Conversation Piece

13 To access your Voice mail from an external number

¢ Phone programmed automated thru dial number
¢ When answered, enter # 6
¢ Enter * (star sign)
¢ Enter own extension number
¢ If you have a password programmed, enter it now

14 Voice Mail - to Change Date

¢ Enter 265
¢ When answered, enter # 6
¢ Enter * 998
¢ Enter 4 - Current programme time will now play
¢ To change press1 or to accept press 2
¢ If changing enter new time followed by # - e.g. 02.40 for 14.40
¢ Enter 1 for a.m. or 2 p.m.
¢ To change press 1, to accept press 2

15 To cancel message lamp it remains lit after listening to message:

¢ Press SP-PHONE
¢ Enter *700
¢ Enter extension number
¢ Confirmation tone is heard
¢ Press SP-PHONE


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